Discover Your Imperative Self
This is a 16- minute “Deep Dive” audio podcast into Imperative Self Analysis (ISA), and change. If a person is generally content with their emotional states, and does not desire change, they might not be interested in ISA.
Imperative Self Analysis (ISA) is the only therapy modality that offers a streamlined path to reshape your emotional experiences and guide you toward a more fulfilling life, all within ten sessions. It mirrors the profound transformation typically associated with years of psychoanalysis, yet accomplishes significant alterations in your emotional landscape through focused sessions, without the need for long-term commitment or substantial financial investment.
Beneath the surface of our daily routines lies a complex web of behaviors and rituals. Yet, these repetitive actions and persistent thoughts are not random; they are deeply ingrained patterns that reflect our innermost compulsions and desires. This is where Imperative Self Analysis (ISA) comes into play, offering a unique lens through which we can view and understand these behaviors and emotions.
You possess a unique emotional palette, a spectrum of 5-7 emotions that you experience almost daily. These emotions are not just fleeting reactions; they are the essence of who you are, driving your behaviors and shaping your identity and health.
If your emotions are generally positive, you are probably uninterested in change. However, if you find yourself with an unwanted palette of emotions, it’s important to know that you can change your Imperative Self in less than 10 sessions and there is a money back guarantee.
Just as an artist uses a palette to create art, we use our emotional palette to paint our lives. Learn to identify your 5-7 core emotions and understand their impact on your life.
Many of us experienced a pivotal emotional event during our formative years, between the ages of 3 and 6, that has had a lasting impact on our lives. This event left a deep imprint, shaping our perception of the world, guiding our actions within it, influencing what we hold dear, and creating our Imperative Self Map.
Your Journey to Self-Discovery
Begin your transformative journey today by opening the PDF below and checking the 5-7 emotions that you almost experience daily. Make sure you check the emotions rather than the behaviors. This can be a true eye-opener into your inner world. Some clients like to print the list and make 6-7 copies. Every night they go over their day. They circle the experienced emotions. At the end of the week it is easier to notice their 5-7 most common emotions. Notice that these 5-7 emotions have a pattern.
The PDF titled ‘Emotional-States-Menu’ :Emotional-States-Menu-.pdf
The Imperative Self Analysis (ISA)
Developed by Leslie Cameron-Bandler (now Lebeau) over thirty-six year ago, offers a revolutionary approach to therapy. It’s a model that celebrates your individuality, proving that no two people are alike.
Streamlined Therapy
When a potential client contacts me for therapy, I always ask if they are working on one issue or a number of issues. Most of the time they have multiple issues and I recommend this modality. ISA cuts through the noise, targeting the root of emotional distress. It’s a therapeutic shortcut to a healthier emotional life, often achieving significant breakthroughs in the first 2-3 hour session.
Change Your Focus – Change Your Life !
It is your Imperative Self that dictates your focus. By understanding and adjusting it, you can transform your emotional landscape.
I have found that, on a personal level, Imperative-Self analysis is a profound and exciting way to truly understand yourself.
Suddenly all of your past and present experiences make sense; you understand HOW your behaviors and experiences are generated through your own unique filter or program.
Just as you can step in front of a mirror to see how you look on the outside, Imperative-Self modeling lets you get a full view of HOW YOU OPERATE on the inside. Most importantly, if the Imperative Self you have been using doesn’t allow fulfillment (happiness),YOU CAN CHANGE IT!
You now have more choices about how to filter your experience. No longer do you have to settle for just allowing the product of your past environments and experiences to determine whether or not you achieve “fulfillment”.
The Core of Your Personality
ISA reveals that our personalities are built upon:
- Primary Obsessions: Deep-seated desires formed in childhood that drive our lives.
- A Filter: The lens through which we view our experiences, shaped by our obsessions.
- A Virtual Question: The subconscious inquiry that governs our reactions and decisions. See:
Does the (ISA) Always Work?
No, the Imperative Self (IS) elicitation doesn’t always yield consistent results. Here are some factors to consider:
- Medications: Clients taking antipsychotic medications or psychotherapeutic drugs (such as benzodiazepines or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) may experience varying responses during the IS elicitation process. These medications can influence emotional states and perception.
- Self-Presentation: Some individuals consciously or unconsciously present themselves in a more positive light. When listing their emotions, they may filter out certain feelings or emphasize others. Our Imperative Selves are always at play.
I approach each ISA session without preconceptions. I’ll inquire about your common emotions to identify patterns related to your obsessions. If you prefer not to answer a question, simply say “pass,” and I will respect your choice with an alternative question. After identifying your Imperative Self, it will take fewer than 40 words on a single sheet of paper for you to gain a profound understanding of yourself.
This process takes less than three hours, compared to years of traditional talk therapy. This “Map” will represent your worldview as formed before the age of eight, and the session offers a chance to update it. These 40 words or fewer will be your own.
An audio of an exceptionally short IS elicitation (less than 22 minutes) was done with Bobbie in December 2021. The recording of this elicitation of her IS Map is in the Comment Section below (Number 4. Bobbie).
Significant progress can be made in altering your self-concept and thriving by updating your Imperative Self Map within the same 2-3 hour session. Moreover, these changes will ensure that the negative emotions from your emotional palette become mere memories.
I am not a believer of talk therapy in dealing with traumatic memories. Enduring the retelling of traumas would be detrimental to both me and my clients. My methods have fostered a Kleenex tissue free therapy environment for nearly four decades. See these posts for an examples of this type of intervention:
In dealing with highly charged emotional events (past traumas), my approach is sensitive and non-retraumatizing. We gather your strengths from before the trauma event, as building a robust foundation that will alter the impact of the trauma. Often, neither you nor I will be consciously aware of the trauma’s details during this process.
I charge $600.00 USD for the first session that will last for 2-3 hours. Follow up sessions cost $150.00 USD per hour (60 minutes). If requested I can provide a sliding scale fee based on your income.
The Guarantee: With full confidence in the efficacy of this therapeutic approach, I offer this commitment: should the predominant unwanted emotions you experience remain unchanged on the PDF following ten hours of therapy, I will issue a complete refund of your payments. This is my promise to you, as a testament to the transformative potential of our sessions together.
I am committed to your success and stand by my promise to guide you towards a more fulfilling emotional life. I believe our life’s purpose is to collect as many positive experiences as possible within our allotted time.
Take Your First Steps
Follow the steps in filling out your 5-7 most common experienced emotions for at least a week and then contact me for a free Zoom meeting to see if we are a good fit:
(5) Comments
1. Bill (Age 65)
I realize that my life will not be without ‘glitches’ here and there – whose isn’t? But it is true that when I look through the list of emotions I presented prior to the ISA session, I cannot find them in a chronic way – if at all.
When people ask me about how I am now after the session with you, I find it extremely hard to articulate exactly in which way(s) I feel different – but there’s no doubt that in some way, it’s if I’ve been ‘born again’.
This video was recorded in 1999. It is a four year followup after doing the ISA:
3. Robin Updated in 2022:
These were my most common emotions I experienced from childhood until late May 2021. I am 32 years old. I did the ISA and 5 sessions with Clint for a total of 6 hours of therapy:
These are my most common emotions I now experienced daily during the past fifteen months as of September 2022:
It is pretty crazy to see the difference in now compared to May 2021! I’m so happy I no longer feel those things! Can’t thank you enough for being part of my healing journey!
This was Robin’s IS Map on May 28, 2021:
4. This was 63 year old Bobbie’s Imperative Self Map elicited in December 2021. It is 22 minutes long and starts 15 seconds after pressing play:
Imperative Self Analysis (The Map)
Ways I Should Be
Virtual Question/or Statement
What Should I Be Doing?
Be Accepted By Others
in order to:
Accept Myself
in order to:
Be Free
in order to:
Be One With All
12/31/2021 Emotions:
- Anger
- Overwhelmed
- Anxious
- Judgmental
- Frustrated
04/04/2024 Emotions after a total of 4 hours of therapy:
- Gratitude
- Awe
- Happiness
- Delight
- Curiosity
- Patience
When she emailed me with the above later emotional list, she wrote, “ I was kind of surprised that they are all so positive and yet it’s so”
To understand why she was surprised:
5. Sixty- five year old female I will call as Rebecca’s Imperative Self Map:
*Most recent feedback from a text on January 12, 2025 (Total of 3 hours of therapy including the IS elicitation):
From her text message: