# “Imperative Self Analysis” A Representation Of Your Personality Like No Other

Discover Your Imperative Self

Did You Know?

You possess a unique emotional palette, a spectrum of 5-7 emotions that you experience almost daily. These emotions are not just fleeting reactions; they are the essence of who you are, driving your behaviors and shaping your identity and health.

Your Journey to Self-Discovery

Embark on an enlightening journey with the Emotional-States-Menu. This guide will help you identify and understand your predominant emotional patterns. By tracking your emotions nightly, you’ll uncover the 5-7 emotions that define your days.

The Imperative Self Analysis (ISA)

Developed by Leslie Cameron-Bandler (now Lebeau) over thirty-six year ago, offers a revolutionary approach to therapy. It’s a model that celebrates your individuality, proving that no two people are alike.

Streamlined Therapy

When a potential client contacts me for therapy, I always ask if they are working on one issue or a number of issues. Most of the time they have multiple issues and I recommend this modality. ISA cuts through the noise, targeting the root of emotional distress. It’s a therapeutic shortcut to a healthier emotional life, often achieving significant breakthroughs in a single 2-3 hour session.

Change Your Focus, Change Your Life

It is your Imperative Self that dictates your focus. By understanding and adjusting it, you can transform your emotional landscape.

I have found that, on a personal level, Imperative-Self analysis is a profound and exciting way to truly understand yourself.

Suddenly all of your past and present experiences make sense; you understand HOW your behaviors and experiences are generated through your own unique filter or program.

Just as you can step in front of a mirror to see how you look on the outside, Imperative-Self modeling lets you get a full view of HOW YOU OPERATE on the inside. Most importantly, if the Imperative Self you have been using doesn’t allow fulfillment (happiness),YOU CAN CHANGE IT!

You now have more choices about how to filter your experience. No longer do you have to settle for just allowing the product of your past environments and experiences to determine whether or not you achieve “fulfillment”.

The Core of Your Personality

ISA reveals that our personalities are built upon:

  1. Primary Obsessions: Deep-seated desires formed in childhood that drive our lives.
  2. A Filter: The lens through which we view our experiences, shaped by our obsessions.
  3. A Virtual Question: The subconscious inquiry that governs our reactions and decisions.

Heal and Rewrite Your Life’s Mission

Begin your transformative journey today by opening the PDF below and checking the 5-7 emotions that you almost experience daily. Make sure you check the emotions rather than the behaviors. This can be a true eye-opener into your inner world. Some clients like to print the list and make 6-7 copies. Every night they go over their day. They circle the experienced emotions. At the end of the week it is easier to notice their 5-7 most common emotions. Notice that these 5-7 emotions have a pattern.

The PDF titled ‘Emotional-States-Menu’ is your guide in this journey:Emotional-States-Menu-.pdf

To conclude, life’s purpose is to amass as many positive experiences as possible within our allotted time. The contentment we find in life is often a reflection of our Imperative Self Maps. Those who choose to alter their maps will find greater contentment.

Plus-No Results, No Charge

For further information see: https://clintmatheny.com/transformative-therapy-no-results-no-charge/



  1. Bill (Age 65)

    I realize that my life will not be without ‘glitches’ here and there – whose isn’t? But it is true that when I look through the list of emotions I presented prior to the ISA session, I cannot find them in a chronic way – if at all.

    When people ask me about how I am now after the session with you, I find it extremely hard to articulate exactly in which way(s) I feel different – but there’s no doubt that in some way, it’s if I’ve been ‘born again’.

  2. Robin Updated in 2022

    These were my most common emotions I experienced from childhood until late May 2021. I am 32 years old. I did the ISA
    and 5 sessions with Clint for a total of 6 hours of therapy:


    These are my most common emotions I now experienced daily during the past fifteen months as of September 2022:


    It is pretty crazy to see the difference in now compared to May 2021! I’m so happy I no longer feel those things! Can’t thank you enough for being part of my healing journey!

    This was Robin’s discovered IS Map on May 28, 2021:


    Also see:a-therapy-model-far-ahead-of-its-time-the-imperative-self-analysis-isa/


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