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The Power of your Mind to Heal

For over thirty-six years I have been facilitating what some would call as, “ miracles”. I have always taken exception to that word, because it infers that these healings are unusual or magical. Most of my clients were at first afraid to tell others (to include their doctors) of their changes for fear of being looked upon as being abnormal.

There are three (3) levels of beliefs: belief, doubt, and disbelief. Disbelievers haven’t read this far.

There isn’t one client interview on my blog that sought a therapy appointment with me and had a belief that it was impossible to heal their presenting problem. Some may have doubted, but not one disbelieved, otherwise they wouldn’t made an appointment. They also wanted to change.

Finally after all these years, the scientific and medical communities are recognizing the power of our mindsets to enhance healing of the mindbody. Only since 1982 did the scientific community recognize the words, “mind & body” belonged together because of a new science called, “Psychoneuroimmunology” or “PNI”. PNI is the study of the effect of the mindbody on health and resistance to disease.

After watching the video below, see the next two posts above this one.

Today most of the Ivy League universities and the world’s highest rated universities to include Stanford and MIT have Mindbody Laboratories.

They are studying this amazing thing in our heads and bodies that comes without a operating manual.

This is a 15 minute video that may open your mind to what is possible to others, is also possible for you. Dr. Alia Crum, is the Principal Investigator of the Stanford University Mind & Body Lab:

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