Reimprinting by using the“Back To The Future” approach and “Clean Language” techniques can be transformative, offering a way for individuals to address and heal from deep-rooted challenges, thereby enabling them to transcend their past limitations without reexperiencing the traumatic memories. I provide tissue free therapy sessions.
As a premier technique, reimprinting is designed to confront and mend traumas at their deepest level. It transcends other methods by offering not just temporary solutions, but a profound internal transformation.
Core Principles
Reimprinting fundamentally involves revisiting old traumas without being retraumatized and supplying the missing elements, such as security, peace, empathy, or self-kindness, that were absent originally. This approach allows for the healing of past injuries and the liberation from their restrictive impacts. This fosters a reconciliation with our history and empowering us to shape our destiny.
Transformation in action are shown on my two postings:
#“Back to the Future” Part 1 – Healing Anxiety & Panic Attacks