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The Client That Opened My Eyes

In 1985, thirteen-year-old Lucinda transformed my understanding of what is possible in a therapy session. At that time, I had been practicing therapy for less than a year. Are your expectations influencing your clients’ expectations? This 12-minute video features part of the 1985 session and a follow-up interview from 1998. …

Walt Disney Productions Caused 23 Years of Depression & Nightmares To A 5 Year Old

This session on depression took place in 1985. There are two other post on this blog dealing with depression: &  healing-depression-disassociation-using-clean-language-16-year-follow-up/ A 28 year old man I will call “Bill” came to see me for depression. Bill told me that he had been depressed since age 5. I asked …

#What is “Clean Language” ?

Note: All postings with a # symbol are “Clean Language” therapy interventions. This is a short 13 minute “Deep Dive” overview of Clean Language : Clean language therapy is a type of psychotherapy that utilizes specifically worded questions and open-ended responses, which allow clients to access the subconscious and explore …

“Breaking My Chains – Four Decades of Triumph Over PTSD with RTM”

This 15 minute Podcast will provide background on RTM and why RTM should be the number one “Evidence Based” therapy for PTSD Flashbacks and Intrusive memories:   In the realm of mental health interventions, there exists a remarkable procedure that has consistently demonstrated its efficacy: the Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories …

# Healing Major Depression Using “Clean Language “-A 29 Year Follow Up

This Podcast is 13 minutes long and presents two (2) case studies with long-term follow-ups showcasing the efficacy of  “Clean Language” therapy in addressing trauma-related depression. In 1993, a thirty-three year old woman embarked on a significant journey to overcome her “Major Depression,” which led to a reflective interview nearly …

# “Nancy – Healing 6 Years of Sexual Abuse & Restoring Vision in One Session – 3 month followup

I have been using “Clean Language” interventions that were developed by David Grove and co-developer Cei Davies Linn for over thirty- one years. Unfortunately, this very eloquent modality has not received the attention it deserves in the therapy community. This might be helpful:  what-is-clean-language-therapy/ In 1994, Nancy was my first …

#”Back to the Future” 3 Year Old Heals Her Night Terrors -with A 2 Year Follow Up Interview

To better understand this client session with a three year old, see the Part 1  post on this subject. Both clients had their younger selves “frozen in time”. What does that mean? Our psyche protects us by stopping the worst moments of a traumatic event from happening to protect our …

Transforming Panic to Calm: A Clean Language Therapy Breakthrough in 25 Minutes

This intervention shows the power of “Clean Language Therapy” by healing a middle-aged woman’s panic attacks in a single 25-minute recorded therapy session. Stress may trigger asthma or exacerbate the condition. Asthma is a serious condition that can be fatal. Often, doctors misdiagnose panic attacks as asthma attacks (see …

# Healing IBS & PMS Using “Imperative Self Analysis” & “Clean Language Therapy” – 4 year followup

This video has two follow up interviews on Deborah’s two “Clean Language metaphor”sessions with me. During the first session in 1995, Deborah’s Esophagitis, Spastic Colon (IBS), and Gastritis were healed. I wasn’t aware of her medical conditions at the time of the session and the session was not directed …

Learn How To Stop (PTSD) Nightmares

British Psychologist, Justin Havensis is the creator of the, “Dream Completion Technique” (DCT) for healing PTSD nightmares. Justin has recently taught over 1,000 Ukrainian therapists his technique. Worldwide he has taught over 3,000 therapists this very effective technique. This procedure can be self -administered; however, some people may need the …

Giving Advice to Others

“If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.” — Confucius Have you given personal advice by starting your sentence with, “If I were you?” “If I were you”, I would have your emotions, the same body, and the same personal history. In other …

Recommend Books & Links

“Mad in America” examines how drug companies in the 1980s and 1990s skewed their studies to prove that new antipsychotic drugs were more effective than the old, while keeping patients in the dark about dangerous side effects. “Transforming Your Self – To become who you want to be” by Steve …

Cure Your Fear Of Flying

For over thirty-eight years I have worked with hundreds of people to eliminate their fear of flying. If you can not imagine being relaxed in a seat on an airliner you are not alone and you are putting yourself under unnecessary stress. When you are imagining a threat, it activates …

For Aviation Enthusiasts

After my previous post, I had many request for more air traffic controller emergency stories. This somewhat violates my  purpose for the blog, so these are my last posts on this subject. Maybe someday I might make a separate website for my other FAA experiences. I am also a licensed …

How To Make Your Own Placebo

I am assuming you have read and watch the two previous placebo videos from my posts I don’t believe a placebo actually heals – rather it enhances a person’s own healing potential. In 1990, I had an accident that shattered my right ankle. I used an abbreviated healing procedure that …

Just What Is “Peace”?

Check out the 13 minute AI podcast “Deep Dive” by Google LM, which explores the emotional state of “Peace” from my writings below:   In 1988, I attended  a five-day advanced Ericksonian hypnosis workshop in New Orleans. One morning we were asked to get into groups of three and to use …


What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life? Robert Waldinger is the director of 75-year-old study on adult development, Waldinger has unprecedented access to data on true happiness and satisfaction. In this talk, he shares three important lessons learned from the study as well as some practical, …

Pale Blue Dot 🔵

In 1991, Voyager 1 had completed its primary mission and was leaving the Solar System when, Carl Sagan (1934-1996) asked NASA to turn Voyager’s camera around to take it’s last pictures of Earth across a great expanse of space. The attached video’s accompanying words spoken by Segan and written six …

Time Line Therapy

This 22 minute YouTube video by Forrest Knutson will enlighten you. Be sure to read the user comments after watching his YouTube video. I have used timeline therapy in my practice for over thirty-four years. I do not recommend this procedure for use on intensive emotional states by non therapists …

The Greatest Love of All

Whitney Houston’s song, “The Greatest Love of All” was a big hit during the 1980s. The song basically said that to love yourself was the greatest love of all. Unfortunately Whitney was never able to feel this love for herself and died from an overdose of drugs trying to escape …

* “The In Technique”

Tom Stone started using this very effective therapy modality that he calls,  “ The In Technique ” over twenty years ago on painful emotions (PTSD, grief, anxiety, etc). I have used it for over ten years. Tom and I both believe that when we were infants we learned to avoid …

*Dynamic Spin Procedure

By using the Dynamic Spin technique, you can free yourself from negative thinking or self-criticism. You can also reduce or eliminate any physical discomfort, self-doubt, or emotional barrier that prevents you from achieving your goals in a short time. The best way to test this technique is to apply it …

*Self BrainSpotting

BrainSpotting is a therapeutic tool to heal traumas and to desensitize unwanted emotional states. BrainSpotting was developed over twenty years ago by David Grand, PhD. Ten of thousands of therapists around the world have been trained in this modality. David Grand’s 3 minute video: There are many excellent YouTube videos …

Your Most Important Question

This question that you are always asking yourself will determines how successful you will be as you move through life. This most important question you are always asking yourself is usually outside of your conscious awareness.This question you are always asking yourself is called the “Virtual Question”. This is a …

The Terrible 3 Letter Word

That three letter word is “try”. I mean using it “to attempt to do something”. The word “try” is a very powerful word to many people’s unconscious minds. The word “try” means fail. That is where the saying comes from: “try and try again until you succeed”. Listen to the …

Start Here – to get what you want in 2025 and beyond: The Blame Frame vs The Outcome Frame

Let’s start with a simple exercise and then work up on the postings: Think of some situation at work or in life that is making you unsatisfied and you want it to change (relationships, physical health, mental health, finances). Ask yourself the following questions: 1.      What is wrong? 2.      Why am I having …

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