The Nail In The Foot Analogy
Envision navigating life with a nail embedded in your foot. Each step brings a piercing reminder of the discomfort, yet, rather than tackling the fundamental problem—the nail—many of us opt to maneuver gingerly around it. I include myself. We alter our gait, shorten our steps, and sidestep certain routes, all …
Reasons Why People Do Not Seek Treatment For PTSD
There are several common reasons why individuals may hesitate to seek treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Let’s explore a few of these reasons and address them: The Media Says It Cannot Be Cured: However, the past 30 years there have been some major therapeutic breakthroughs to cure PTSD – …
The Documentary, “Medicating Normal “
This hour and fifteen minute 2020, documentary concedes that psychiatric medications can provide relief for some patients. Nonetheless, it’s believed that among the 20% of Americans on these drugs, approximately one-third experience severe adverse effects from the treatments intended to aid them. “Medicating Normal” sheds light on the struggles of …
Psychiatry & Big Pharma: Exposed
James Davies, PhD has been vocal about his concerns regarding psychiatry and its relationship with the pharmaceutical industry. In this lecture he has exposed several issues: Medicalization of Normality: Davies argues that psychiatry has medicalized normal human suffering, expanding the number of mental disorders without solid scientific justification. DSM Critique: …
What do you need know about psychotropic medications
Dr. Josef Witt-Doerring has over a decade of experience as a board-certified psychiatrist. This is a very important video to watch before seeing a Psychiatrist or your family medicine doctor with a mental issue. This interesting YouTube video is 57 minutes long:
How To Taper Any Antidepressant
Dr. Josef Witt-Doerring has over a decade of experience as a board-certified psychiatrist and has previously served as a medical officer for the FDA. His expertise lies in a niche area of psychiatry, focusing on the side effects of psychiatric medications and strategies for their safe tapering. This is a …
What Came First The Chicken Or The Egg: Depression Or A Chemical Imbalance?
The “chicken or the egg dilemma” is a classic question that explores the problem of causality and origins. It asks whether the chicken or the egg came first, highlighting the cyclical nature of cause and effect. Is major depression, and other labeled disorders, caused by abnormal blood chemistry, or is …
An excellent example of the use of “Clean Language “ in Coaching & Therapy
“Clean Language” is a distinctive approach in therapy that empowers the client by placing their own words and metaphors at the heart of the conversation. The power of Clean Language lies in its client-centered methodology. Therapists practicing Clean Language have to be meticulously attentive to the client’s language, using it as …
A Therapy Procedure That Saved A Life
Recently, I’ve been contemplating my thirty-nine years as a therapist, pondering the true impact of my work. Reflecting on the past, I recall numerous clients who considered suicide, whom I’ve supported through their darkest times. Did my intervention truly matter? One particular memory resurfaces, convincing me of the life-saving difference …
“Sorting For Self” vs. “Sorting For Others”:Understanding Decision-Making and Political Leanings
“Sorting for Self” vs. “Sorting for Others” has offered me valuable insights into how individuals process information, make decisions, and relate to the world around them. After reading this post, you will become more aware of your own sorting style and gain a deeper understanding of others’. Sorting For Self: …
How Time Flies
I have had numerous hobbies in my 78 years. I recently reflected on one of these (aviation). In just 40 years aviation was greatly transformed in this short period of time: In 1903, the Wright Brothers flew a powered airplane an incredible 120 feet. Forty years later in 1943, the …
Healing eczema all over body using the “Placebo Procedure”
I received this email below in December 2023, on a client’s use of the “Placebo Procedure”. It only takes a few minutes to do this procedure. Watch the other 3 posts on the power of placebos to heal the MindBody. “I had a pretty bad case of eczema all …
The Unintended Consequences of Medical Language: Navigating the Nocebo Effect
Doctors, in their unique role, possess the ability to cast spells—not with wands, but with words. Their dialogue, delivered in the clinical sanctity of examination rooms, wields immense power. Patients, in their most vulnerable state, hang on every word. The white coat transforms into a cloak of authority, and the …
I’m Easy To Forget 😀 – The Vanishing Act: When Traumas Just Fade Away
“In a healing journey, pain and emotions are like transient whispers of the heart; once mended, they often fade into the silent archives of our being.” Clint Matheny Since beginning my “Fear of Flying” practice in 1985, and mainly using the Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories (RTM) procedure, I’ve made it …
“Lovely Day” Is My Wife’s Favorite Feel Good Song
How to relearn how to breathe
Are you a belly breather or chest breather? Put one hand on your chest and the other hand on your belly. Notice what hand rises when you inhale. Babies and relaxed individuals are belly breathers. Chest breathers may have had a trauma or traumas in their past that caused them …
An International Organization To Heal Psychological Trauma
I purposely posted Ulf (Gustaf) Sandström‘s website below the “ Pale Blue Dot” post because Gustaf codeveloped the, “The Peaceful Heart Network” . The network is a non-profit international organization dedicated to providing practical First Aid tools to help individuals resolve psychological trauma in all languages. Their approach is designed …
What Sex Therapists Wish You Knew
Catherine Pearson of The NY Times, asked nearly a dozen experts in sex and intimacy for the advice they repeat again and again. For starters, they said, don’t get so hung up on how often you have, or want, sex. More:
Reimprint For A Better Future
Reimprinting by using the“Back To The Future” approach and “Clean Language” techniques can be transformative, offering a way for individuals to address and heal from deep-rooted challenges, thereby enabling them to transcend their past limitations without reexperiencing the traumatic memories. I provide tissue free therapy sessions. As a premier technique, …
# “Imperative Self Analysis”
Discover Your Imperative Self “People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with …
How to Align Your Perceptual Positions
Perceptual positions are the ways we perceive ourselves and others in any situation. There are three main perceptual positions: self, other, and observer. Each position has its own advantages and disadvantages, but they can also be misaligned or distorted, leading to confusion, conflict, or dissatisfaction. In this article, I will …
Do we have “Free Will”?
Are you absolutely sure you have “free will”? Does a person that has claustrophobia have free will to relax or panic in confined spaces? Does this same person have “free will” to get help to eliminate their phobic responses to confined spaces? If you have read my previous post you …
The “Free Will” Illusion
In the grand tapestry of existence, the concept of Free Will has been a subject of philosophical debate for centuries. The notion that humans possess the autonomy to make choices independent of any predetermination is deeply ingrained in our societal, legal, and moral frameworks. However, the question persists: do we …